I'm a single guy and I can't tell you the amount of times I've been in a bar or a club and talking to some girl, it's all going well and then she asks the dreaded question... so what do you do? 

What do you say?  Tell her the truth?  "I am an accoutant"... BOOM, conversation over!!  Maybe not straight away but you've struck the mortal blow... believe me, I've tried. 

Or do you try and be half honest and say something lame like "I work in finance", or the sexier version "I work in commercial finance", hoping that she's getting images of some slick Christian Bale type investment banker (minus the blood) in her head instead of a tight ass bean counter! 

I used to go down the commercial finance route and it did have success but I think the wider population's on to us with this one!  They know when you say commercial finance, you mean accountant and again start slowly backing away.  Recently I've started using "I work in sales strategy" which obvioulsy no one has a clue what it means but they like the sound of "sales" and it's kind of true (well maybe 10% truth and 90% lies). 

The key thing is it gets across I've got a good, well paying, slightly interesting job and then we can move on to more interesting conversation topics!


Stan said...

Personally, I forget about the 10% truth and just go sales, leave it at that. No one wants to talk about jobs all night

Craig said...

You can do but problem is if it actually goes somewhere, you don't want to back yourself into a corner then she starts thinking "wait, this guy was lying about his job", not always the best start!

Dave said...

Unfortuantley, this is the harsh reality of being an accountant. Plenty of people have boring jobs, but as soon as you say the word "accountant", people start thinking all these crazy thoughts "I don't want a life of misey, get me away from this guy!!"

It's ridicilous we even have to have this conversation but that's life.

Mel said...

This isn't just limited to guys! I have a great finance job in a cool agency, but do you think I tell guys on the first few dates what I do?!

Doesn't exactly bring up with kind of images I want a guy thinking about... me with a calculator hunched over some computer screen!

Lisa said...

I'm an accountant and I just went with it, didn't seem to cause too many problems. If a guy cares that much about what I do for a living, then I'm not going to waste me time

Aoife said...

I like the sound of that but hard to do in practice, altho sometimes it's forced on u! I was at a party and a guy asked me what I do, so I said "advertising" and my friend kindly jumped in "actually it's finance in an advertising agency", I'm like thanks for that!