I'm working in audit in the big 4 and a few months back, the new batch of first years arrived in straight out of college, all enthusiastic and trying to make a good first impression.  Fair enough, we've all been there and I was trying not to be too cycnical about the whole thing but I'm out at a client with a few of the guys, it's a Tuesday morning and we've been there a week already so everyone's a little jaded, and one of the new first years comes out for his first job and drags in this massive suitcase.  And I mean this thing is literally bulging, it's the sort of thing you'd take to the airport if you're permanetly leaving the country!

"Eh.... what's with the suitcase?" and he kind of looks at me and says "Well I wasn't sure what to bring so....".

He opens that monster up and inside he's got every accounting manual, every textbook, every standard, I think I even see a few old college essays in there.  There's a stunned silence in the room for a few seconds, then I tell him to slowly step away from the suitcase, grab that huge stack of papers on the desk and start photocopying, he's an auditor now!!  As he walked out of the room, tail between his legs, everyone just pissed themselves laughing.


Steve said...

Brilliant, what a first impression!

Julia said...

Was he known as the "suitcase guy" for the next 3 years??!!

embassy-fs.com said...

Well, he looks professional to me.